Career Orientation

There are many factors that contribute to the overall performance of an organization. Balance is a key factor. The state of balance in a business environment is determined by the coordination of all factors that affect performance.

Choosing a career can be a very difficult decision. With young people, career choices must be considered as early as high school and before entering universities or colleges for many. At such an early age this is a stressful decision for young adults and one in which parents are often intricately involved performance.

Adult career transition is becoming increasingly common with many adults involved in different careers during their work life. Adults can find these transitions especially challenging factoring financial and family responsibilities in addition to the desire to find fulfillment in the choice of career.

In order to have a meaningful, engaging career, we have to bring our interests, talents and passions together in a productive, engaging vision. Helping youth and adults understand their character is essential to the process of selecting the right career. Using the Character Assessment tool, Optimax can provide Career Orientation that considers a person’s character profile. In addition, Optimax is able to predict at what stage in a person’s life certain career choices might be better than others. No other known assessment tool provides this capability.

Career choices that align with a person’s character profile provide the greatest level of job satisfaction, less personal stress and the most effective channeling of energy into productive activities.