Healthy Relationships are the most important factors to a balanced life. An understanding and acceptance of the unique character of each person, as well as, effective communication, are among the essential contributors to maintaining successful relationships.
What makes a relationship solid is character compatibility with the other person and the ability to understand and feel comfortable with each other. Sometimes, we can achieve this naturally, without any extra effort. However, at times, we require time and energy to try to understand others and build a cooperative relationship. Completing a personal Character Assessment not only informs us of our unique characters, but also sensitizes us to the impact character has on our interactions. Equipped with this knowledge, we are able to improve or maintain successful relations in all areas of our lives:
Communication skills are highly valued in industry. Understanding the impact of character attributes, tolerance and persuadability on how people respond to each other is very important. For instance, if you work for a boss with low tolerance and high persuadability he will be inclined to disagree with suggestions from others that are different from his own thought process when first approached. However, his high persuadability character trait suggests that if he was approached later about the same idea he could be persuaded to alter his first opinion and accept the suggestion. So, instead of getting frustrated by your bosses tendency to refute your ideas when first presented, you can be more strategic in communicating with him by allowing him time to digest your ideas and then present them again for his consideration.
Knowledge of character can be immensely beneficial to spousal and children relationships. For example, a character assessment will identify a person’s emotional age, which is often different than biological age. In families, we are quite conscious of age gaps between children, which can factor in how we relate to each child. However, humans have both a biological age and an emotional age. For example, while a child may be fifteen years old, he or she could have an emotional age of eighteen years. This child will relate well with older adolescents Understanding this fact prepares a parent better to handle issues relevant to that child’s choice in friends. Correspondingly, a parent with a biological age of forty-five and an emotional age of sixteen will find that he or she relates to teenagers and young adults very well, and vice versa.
Having a close circle of friends who can stimulate and challenge you, and who share the same interests, passions, or hobbies, can have a therapeutic effect on our lives. Being aware of each other’s character dynamism, as well as, our strengths and weaknesses, we can develop practical strategies on how to communicate effectively and constructively help and motivate each other to face the challenges of everyday life.